Startup Grants | FAQs | LaunchVic

Grant FAQs

Below are Frequently Asked Questions for our open grants.

If you have a question regarding LaunchVic funding, send us an enquiry using the form below.

AgTech Grants Program

Can I apply for more than $50,000?
The maximum amount of funding awarded to a startup is $50,000.
Can I include costs relating to managing the grant such as report writing and financial tracking in the budget?
Costs relating to managing the grant are generally considered routine operational expenditure and are not intended to be supported by the grant.
How many times can I apply for grant funding?
Startups are only eligible to receive one $50,000 grant as part of this funding round. Unsuccessful companies will be permitted to reapply based on feedback from the assessment panel. This will not guarantee their success.
What can I use this grant funding for?
Business Capability and Growth Costs, which includes salaries for new positions and activities that support product and service development costs, business process and system improvement, marketing, communications and sales, customer growth and customer success initiatives, costs that support investment attraction, intellectual property costs, and product trial costs. Salaries for founders and pre-existing staff will not be supported.
The AgTech Grants Program is not intended to support routine operational expenditure, retrospective activities, and the purchase, lease or acquisition of land.
How do you define AgTech?
AgTech is the collection of technologies that provide the agricultural industry with the tools, data and knowledge to make more informed, timely on-farm decisions and improve productivity and sustainability. Applications of these technologies can include: plant or animal science, crop protection & input management, precision agriculture, indoor agriculture, sensors & smart farm equipment, imagery, animal technologies, processing & packaging, supply chain and hardware.
*FoodTech (food production) is generally not included in this definition, unless the business idea is technology based with high impact potential, using innovation and/or addressing scalable markets
Can I speak to someone at LaunchVic to discuss my proposal?
LaunchVic is not offering calls or meetings for applicants under this program based on our probity policy – operating under a fair and transparent process for all applicants. If you are unsure if you are eligible to apply or have any questions about the grant program, please contact us via email on We generally respond to emails within 48 hours during the working week.
What other support is available?
Startups will also meet with LaunchVic personnel and be able to access connections and networks through LaunchVic and Agriculture Victoria.
How many people will be applying under this grant round?
In May the Victorian Government announced an extra $1 million funding for the AgTech Grants Program. The program will remain open until 30 June 2025, or until the funding is fully expended. We expect to fund 20 early-stage agtech startups through this next phase.
If we have attended an accelerator program, will this work for or against us in the assessment process?
We love to see startups participating in accelerator programs and/or other startup programs, and you will see that educational and professional development activities are part of the assessment criteria. We know that through these programs, participants receive access to mentoring, education, advice and support which is crucial at an early-stage of development. If you are interested in viewing the list of startup programs LaunchVic has supported, visit our website here:
Can marketing and wages be included in the costs, or would it be better to apply for funding for the tech component?
Absolutely, you can apply the funding to new salaries or new marketing efforts that are contributing to the growth of the business.
Do you need to have revenue to apply?
No, you are welcome to apply pre-revenue and/or prior to your product being in the market.
What is the timeline of grant assessment?
Applications are open now and will remain open until 30 June 2025 or until all funds are fully allocated. Our Assessment Committee will be assessing applications every second month from May. Interviews with the first round of shortlisted applicants will occur late May and we expect to announce the first recipients in June.
Could you tell us more about the mentoring process?
Of the $50,000, $1,500 is allocated to meeting with a LaunchVic appointed Startup Business Mentor over two 90-minute sessions. The LaunchVic Startup Business Mentor will be able to support you through the grant process and will give you tailored and structured advice to help you with the next steps for your business.
Can you use the funding on developing a prototype?
Yes, you are welcome to use the funding to support the costs of developing a prototype.
Would you be able to connect us with farmers who would like to work with startups for any potential pilots and product validation?
Yes, we are keen to connect startups and farmers as part of this grant round and beyond the grant round. We are working closely with Agriculture Victoria and can connect you with their five SmartFarms which are a great way to connect with farmers in the regions you are interested in. Please email us on and we’ll connect you.
Can one founder with multiple projects apply for separate projects?
Yes, however, we would encourage you to consider your capacity to deliver on multiple projects at the same time before submitting your application/s. The Assessment Panel will be taking into consideration the number of projects being proposed and the capability of the team to deliver the project/s.
How important is new innovation in this grant round?
LaunchVic’s definition of a startup is a technology-based business with high impact potential, that uses innovation and/or addresses scalable markets. We know that there is some great innovation that can be applied to agtech in Victoria, and we want to see in your application that you and your team are capable of executing your proposal.
If I am working as a sole Founder, who do I list as secondary contact on the application form given this is a mandatory field?
Please add your details to both primary and secondary contact and you will be able to progress with the application.

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