LaunchVic 2.0 Building For Growth | LaunchVic

LaunchVic 2.0 Building For Growth


Last Updated: Tuesday, 19 November 2019

LaunchVic, Victoria’s startup development agency, today released its new Strategy that will reset its direction for its second term of funding.

For 2019/20, LaunchVic will have five key focus areas of activity. These include:

– Building a robust investor community

– Growing startups to scaleups

– Increasing startup creation

– Research and monitoring the ecosystem; and

– Promoting, connecting and advocating Victoria’s startup landscape

Work has already started to address critical gaps in Victoria’s early-stage and angel investment landscape by establishing formal angel networks and upskilling investors. While the focus on growing startups to scaleups continues this term with new programs to support startups to scale and mentoring opportunities for scaling startups to follow.